About Us
Raising Up the Lowcountry is a foundation based in Charleston, SC, that is committed to helping and supporting working single moms.
Our forward-thinking approach doesn’t condemn decisions, or condone behavior, but focuses entirely on encouraging single moms as they move toward a better life for themselves and their children. We believe when you make a difference in her life, you can make lasting change for the next generation.
Our founder Frances Scott understands the struggle of being a single mom, but she also knows there is always a reason to hope through it all. Becoming a single mom more than 40 years ago, she worked tirelessly to provide for her two sons and raise them to the best of her ability. Although the journey was tough, her story is a testimony that there is hope and a bright future for single moms.
She didn’t always feel like she was doing it right, help was hard to come by, and she often doubted whether it would ever get better. Yet with one son who would go on to have a distinguished military career, and another who serves in the United States Senate, she is delighted to help other young, single moms persevere. Now her desire is to walk alongside others who are just like she once was, by offering them encouragement, help and hope.